Golden Guppy
Juvenile Males and Females
The Golden Guppy is a hybrid, from selectively breeding from other varieties. They are sometimes referred to as Golden Cobra Guppy or Golden Leopard Guppy.
To be classified as golden, the male must have at least 25% golden color. Most of our Golden guppies are at least 60% golden, usually over 75%, as we have selectively bred the color from our breeding stock.

They are peaceful fish and settle well with any other non-agressive fish. They will add a distinctive contrast to any community tank. Although the males will readily mate with almost any variety of Guppy, the females are less enthusiastic and also usually only give birth to less than a half of the fish that other guppies might produce. Consequently these are one of the more difficult varieties of guppy to successfully breed. Unlike many other varieties of guppy, the females are similarly colored to the males, and can often only be distinguished from the males by their larger size, the shape of the anal fin and the presence of dark reproductive organs when pregnant. These dark spots are not so distinctive in females that are not pregnant.
We offer these guppies in schools as listed below.
Golden guppies are particularly difficult to sex, especially when young. We make every effort to sex these fish, but we cannot be certain to be right every time, therefore we do not guarantee the sex of any fish. Be aware that if you order both male and females from us, they may be siblings. Sometimes in-breeding can lead to deformed fish.
Although we keep our breeding stock separately, very occasionally they will give birth to other colors, so if you are breeding from these fish you may get some fish in other colors.
Also be reminded that when breeding, you ideally should have at least three times as many females as males, this will avoid the males pestering the female(s) to death (literally).
Order Golden Guppies by clicking on the appropriate tab below:
A fixed shipping and handling charge of $12.50 ($13.50 from November) is added to orders totaling less than $65 (before tax).