Color My Fish

Endler Guppy

Endler Guppy (Poecilia Wingei)
One of the most popular guppy types distinguished by it’s striking red/black/blue coloring and the translucent tale edged with red and/or black.

Endler guppies are distinguished by the red blue and black splashes along their body and the upper and lower edges of the tail.  They add a splash of color to any community tank.  The females are not so strikingly colored.   We offer these guppies in schools of 3 or more fish.  If you are keeping only male endlers, be aware that they need more space as they do not school well together in large numbers especially in small tanks.  The females can be territorial, particularly if the tank is crowded.

The fish we ship will be aged from 8 – 14 weeks old, juvenile to young adult, as available.  Probably ready or almost ready to breed.  The flowing tails develop in the males as the fish grow into adults and may be more or less pronounced on individual fish.   Our endlers are primarily red  and black with a some flashes of blue.  As the colors may not be fully developed, we cannot supply specific color requests.  Females  look very different, they are much larger than the males and generally  a creamy or greyish brown color with little or none of the bright coloring that the males usually have.

A fixed handling, packing and shipping charge of $12.50 ($13.50 November-March) is added to all orders totaling less than $65.00 (before tax).

We make every effort to sex these fish, but because the juveniles may not have developed their color, we cannot be certain to be right every time, therefore we do not guarantee the sex of any fish.  Be aware that if you order both male and females from us, they may be siblings.  Sometimes in-breeding can lead to deformed fish.

Although we keep our breeding stock separately, occasionally they will give birth to other colors, so if you are breeding from these fish expect some fish in other colors.

Be reminded that when breeding, you ideally should have at least three times as many females as males, this will avoid the males pestering the female(s) to death (literally).